Friday, July 17, 2009

FIeld Trips

Since I only had two kids today I decided would be a good day to take a field trip. And since the weather was so nice (95 instead of 111) we decided to take three field trips instead of one and they were all free.
First we went to the water park. It went a lot better this week than last. I tolerate 95 much better than 109 deg.

Next we went to the museum. I forgot my camera but did snap a few pictures with my phone.

We learned about the old way of cooking. And then about old toys.
And how old things worked. We were told about old farm equipment and the kids got to play around with some of it.
Then we learned how to get water without plumbing. They decided they prefer the well to the pump because it looked creepier inside the well.
Next was the potty. They didn't know what to think of a toilet that sat more than one person and they were not impressed when we explained that outhouses don't flush.
Next they got to go in the only surviving log cabin of the white settlement and see how people actually lived back then. They couldn't believe that an entire family lived in a one room cabin that isn't much larger than our master bathroom.
After the cabin they learned how a log cabin was built without power tools. They had a blast and asked if we could go back next week and every week after. This isn't their first time to visit the museum but this seems to be the most memorable for them.
Oh, and they decided today that the museum has the best climbing trees in the world.
Our third field trip was to the movie in the park. Every Friday night in June and July White Settlement has a free movie in the baseball field behind the concession stand. This week was angels in the outfield which my children have seen several times but to them it was way better to watch it on the ball field. We didn't get any pictures because it was too dark.


CourtneyB said...

Is that the Log Cabin Village? I've never been there, but that looks neat! Glad you were able to get out of the house and have some fun! (:

MammaMelgar said...

No it's the White Settlement Museum.